My Studio Is A Mess 002/100

Alright…alright, ALRIGHT nobody panic blog post #2 is here and todays events really just surrounded me hanging out at home and in the studio, which is two of my favorite places to be honestly. The older I get the more I value being here and the more I am here the more creative I have realized I become. I really believe that in order to create great work you need to be in an environment that inspires you to do so. Therefore my studio is jam packed with horror memorabilia, cameras, vintage tech and gadgets. These are the things I love and the things that make me happy!

In todays video I talk about clutter though, clutter is my enemy and it stresses me out. I prefer organized chaos, I believe its okay to have a bunch of stuff as long as all that stuff has a place to be put. Mess and clutter are two things that kills my creativity and takes me out of any artistic mindfulness that I have because my brain powers shift from creating to cleaning and once I’m done cleaning I‘m done for the day. I can’t be the only one right?

So in my studio, I have 3 desks one I use as my main desk where I sit, edit and consume content AND that desk is where all my clutter gathers especially on my work days, when I am constantly in and out of the studio. In todays video I show you a few of those things and tell you why they are there lying around my desk and then I ramble for about another 10 minutes or so and then give myself a much needed haircut!(haha)

However I think videos like this one are important because it shows a real and raw look into my life and how you might find me if you happened to just pop into my studio at 10pm at night. Creating vlogs is not about creating a highlight reel for me it so much more its about documenting an authentic look at my life, hair unkempt and all. Its about allowing you guys to see that some people online have messy spaces and thats ok. I want these vlogs to feel like hanging out with a friend and I hope thats how they come across!

Anyway I hope you enjoyed todays video! I’ll see you tomorrow for another entry into the 100 series!!

Stay Rad,



Just A Few Things. 003/100


My Summer in Monochrome-001/100