Just A Few Things. 003/100

So funny thing just happened I so I wrote up an entire blog of at least 500 words. some real Pulitzer prize winning stuff AND I accidentally deleted it. So here we go again…….you will get the watered down version now because that mastery can only have been written once.

One of the things I love is spontaneity, I love the thought of hopping in the car and hitting back roads without a destination and just shooting whatever I come across. However, its also aggravating when plans change on a dime and thats what happened today. My day was planned out and was supposed to be a FULL day in the mountains shooting aerial photos and hiking with my family. That plan came to a screeching halt and plans changed as they often do when you start involving more and more people. It’s alright even though I didn’t get to hit the mountains as planned, I got to spend some much needed family time and thats honestly ALL that matters in the end.

That brings me to todays video and. our hangout session in my studio where I have just a few things to talk about.

Hot Take: So one of the things that is extremely aggravating and annoying is camera releases on youtube, I have talked about this a bit before but OH MAN! Is it getting worse, I hate how I feel like i am getting shook down by the camera companies and their hooligans EVERY SINGLE TIME. a camera comes out. It’s almost comical how EVERY camera is THE BEST CAMER EVER video after video. SO many photographer and cinematographers have turned into nothing more than camera influencers instead of artists, its depressing. i get it its a paycheck and some of these people get paid GOOD! And honestly sponsors are rad BUT we are taking camera advice from people who don’t actually use their equipment past their paid reviews. I want to see other work from them, show me you can shoot a narrative piece of work, no slow motion b-roll with trendy transitions. Show me story, show me you can light, show me you know about pacing etc. At this point most of the camera youtubers should just go work at B&H because they are nothing more than salesmen in my eyes.

Hard Mode: So I knew doing a daily vlog would be hard, especially for 100 straight days when I work a full time job (that I cant film at) but I also decided to add a daily blog AND daily photos added into the mix, it like I am trying to set myself up for failure but its something I have to prove to myself, I have to prove that I can finish a large body of work, that will take endurance and lots of patience and creativity. Here are two photos I shot today that I am stoked on.

My beautiful wife of 14 years.

I love shooting flowers in black and white.

Black & White: So I love shooting monochrome or black and white so much, its classic and crisp and it forces you to really focus on an image in my opinion. Strangely enough my favorite type of cinematography is neon cinematography (think Dario Argento) which is completely different from shooting black and white!

So in todays video I mentioned I wanted to give away a black and white LR preset and LUT that I really like to use and that I am using for the 100 series project for videos and photos so check out the LUTS AND PRESETS section and score yourself some free stuff and try shooting black and white for a week or even a month and see how it changes your focus, your cinematography and photography.

Stay Rad,



We Do This Every Single Week. 004/100


My Studio Is A Mess 002/100