My Summer in Monochrome-001/100

So here we are the first day of the 100 vlogs in 100 days blog post, If you have watched the video then you may remember me saying I am going to try and keep this blog going for 100 days in addition to the vlogs. For a master procrastinator like myself this will be no small feat but a massive undertaking. I would be lying though if I didn’t say that my focus hasn’t been a little scattered lately when it comes to creativity and creative projects. Sometimes i need a project like this with deadlines to keep the creatives juices flowing so to speak.

Although I think the videos are the meat and potatoes of the 100 series if you are short on time or if you would rather read then you can check in. on the project by simply coming here and reading the blog instead! Day 001 of the series was a mainly a photography POV vlog where I am joined by my furry sidekick Simon. (my dog) In the video I walk through my neighborhood to an old stone chapel from the early 1900’s. This chapel is nothing short of creepy and looks like it was pulled straight out of a horror movie, I mean just check out the dead tree in front of it! if that doesn’t scream a haunting is happening here I don’t know what else could!

Directly to the right of the chapel is an old victorian style house that has been abandoned for the last decade or more that is slowly just decaying into the earth. Derelict and beautiful it has become a haven for the homeless and squatters alike so it has been boarded up which has made it look less like a piece of history and more like a gigantic eyesore. I’ll include a few photos of the shots we got today all shot on the Fujifilm X-Pro 3 which is my daily carry camera. Thats it for today and entry 001!

Stay Rad,



My Studio Is A Mess 002/100