Why you don’t act on your ideas & HOW TO overcome it. 009/100

We all have grand ideas and big visions not just creatively but for our lives in general. Many times our ideas and projects never even get started. Sometimes analysis paralysis is to blame and other times it just sheer procrastination. In vlog 009 I talk about some of the reasons and excuses of why people don’t even get started on their creative ideas . Oftentimes it’s because we all like the idea of doing something creative but not the actual work of doing it. Thats because creative work can be hard and creative work generally comes from our, thoughts, opinions and we pour our heart into whatever we are doing. It would be terrible to make something and it never get noticed, seen or recognized. I am talking about the fear of failure.

Not just failure but judgement too. It’s a lot easier to dream up ideas and make excuses of why we don’t have the time to actually make them then make something we think is great and it get judged harshly, right? Wrong, when we close ourselves off to feedback we remain in a fixed mindset instead of a growth mindset, it doesn’t allow us to progress further in our craft, to get better.

In the video I mention allowing your work to grow, thats essential. Don’t expect to create great work immediately, allow yourself to make mistakes and experiment. Sometime those mistakes teach you lessons and sometimes they lead you to new places that could potentially put you on another track that is better than where you started to begin with. Don’t look at your work as a finished and polished project, its good to have a vision and end goal but allowing your work to build and breathe overtime is key for success and longevity.


Silver Linings. 008/100